Drum Beat Project
Beat 256 of my #DrumBeatProject 11.24.24 w/LH lead/alt sounds/diff. tempos vids & notations. This is the 9th beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult "guide" beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This focuses on some of the BD/RH interaction from the guide beat (vids 4-7 w/LHL on octobans -I tried it RHL & it flowed better so put those vids 1st). It started out w/the “ride” part on 1 surface, but tried it out using 3 sounds and liked it - initially on the @meinlpercussion triple agogo bells & settled on the 3 diff. @zildjiancompany field bells, love those things! Thx @joetesta37 & @ercgross - I then subbed in the octobans for the LHL version. For these vids (& for the last few beats/posts as well) I’m using my first ever Zildjians: New Beat HHs that I got for xmas in 1983. Using a variety of @promarksticks implements: triangle beater, drumset mallet, my sig. stk and the cool new hybrid rods. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 255 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.3.24 w/RH lead vid, alt oxen bells vids & notations. This is the 8th beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult "guide" beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This focuses on some of the BD/RH interaction from the guide beat. I wanted to change it up a bit from the previous 7 so added the shaker - here played on diff. oxen bells that I collected years ago in Cambodia. Playing triplet based shaker while drumming can be pretty challenging compared to 16ths & these took some grip experimentation since they`re not very easy to hold - but I finally found a sweet spot. I also tried this w/the shaker in either hand & surprisingly, it was easier w/the LH for me - ? Warning: this one looks WAY easier than it is - give it a try! 2nd vid is RHL, the rest are a parade of diff. oxen bells...
using customized @promarksticks and leaning heavily into @sunhouseinc #SensoryPercussion to get some other-worldly tones out of the drums - I love mixing that apex of percussion innovation (SP) w/the totally primitive (hand-carved oxen bells).
Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 254 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.2.24 w/alt angle & notations. This is the 7th beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This one was inspired by last weeks Beat #253 but moving the LH 1/2 note trips from the stack to a simple crotale melody and shifting the last subdivision a bit to work with the groove better. The RH is still pivoting downbeats among other voices of the kit (including the #Reco Electro & Rebolo) along w/HH/LF. That’s a custom @promarksticks drumset mallet - perfect for the multiple surfaces. 2nd vid is better for seeing the active BD part. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 253 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.2.24 w/alt tempos & notations. This is the 6th beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This one took inspiration from the 1/4 note trips in the BD from Beat #250 but instead, it`s 1/2 trips in the LH/left stack here. So the LH is playing each subdivision over the course of a mea. - good independence practice! The RH is still pivoting downbeats among other voices of the kit - along w/HH/LF. All the drums are running through @sunhouseinc #SensoryPercussion to inject some non-traditional drum sound flair. And yes, I realize that my Hihat fantastical headdress is worthy of @sordociego parody... but it sounds SO GOOD! *note my giant caxixi thx to @nelscline hanging near the stack! Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 252 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.2.24 w/alt takes & notations. This is the 4th beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This one transfers the left hand HH ostinato from last week to the rebolo (on my left) & rack tom. LH continues to be in sync w/the BD/RF (synching those 2 limbs is the trick here). The RH pivots among other voices of the kit - doubled on w/HH. All the drums are running through @sunhouseinc #SensoryPercussion to inject a bit more power and edge. 3rd vid is all acoustic tho. Using a variety of customized @promarksticks - Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 251 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.2.24 w/alt takes & notations. This is the 3rd beat in a series that all grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. Like last week, this one is focusing on the left side HH ostinato, which in this beat is in sync w/the BD. The RH is pivoting among the other voices of the kit, which along with the HH openings, create a nice, simple melody. All the drums are running through @sunhouseinc #SensoryPercussion to beef up the sound, bring the darkness and really give this beat its character. Turn it up! Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 250 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.1.24 w/diff LH motion vids & notations. This is the 2nd of several beats that grew from the process of dissecting a more difficult beat in order to isolate & concentrate on specific aspects. This one is focusing on the left side HH ostinato that`s under the right side playing 1/4 note triplets. Like Beat 249, I enhanced the sound w/ #sensorypercussion "Pitchy Perc" sounds which adds low end to the BD, a cool attack to the SD & toms & gives the rims much more character. The 2nd & 3rd vids are just messing around w/some diff LH stroke motions & techniques. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & @wilco EP on DBPM, listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, plz subscribe. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 249 of my #DrumBeatProject 10.1.24 w/diff LH implement vids & notations. This came from practicing a more difficult beat. I was dissecting it in order to isolate & concentrate on certain aspects and several beats grew from that process - this is the first. I enhanced the sound w/ #sensorypercussion and moved the LH from a stack to the Reco Electro. The RH & RF parts (RH alternating between heads & rims) are straight out of the RH Lead interpretation of Ted Reed`s Syncopation & ending w/a back beat on ct. 4.
Xtras vids are me trying out a rake, chopstx & some various @upcycled_percussion in the LH. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 248 of my #DrumBeatProject 9.16.24 Turn it UP! W/alt tempo, pic & notations. This started as a melodic idea on kalimba & when I began playing w/accomp. options for my RH on the kit, I decided to utilize @Sunhouseinc #sensorypercussion to get multiple sounds out of just the SD. The rim has it’s own sound, the center and edge have distinct pitches too, and the pitch changes when I move from center to edge as well - so lots of tones coming from that one drum! I rounded that out w/ BD & HH - which even though I wrote it w/HH on cts 2 & 4, due to the SD rim accent - I keep hearing that HH on the +`s of cts 1 & 3?! This beat is also the sibling to Beat #246 w/ @meinlpercussion kalimba replacing key chimes. The feet are basically the same as is the cadence & vibe - scroll down on my profile & check it out for yourself. Also, like beats #245 & #246 this features a one-of-a-kind mallet that my Mom helped me make in HS. Just a super light dowel wrapped at one end in duct tape w/a felt covering that she sewed - perfect for this beat, thx Mom! And yes, busted wearing my own #OnFillmore T-shirt... Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 247 of my #DrumBeatProject 9.23.24 w/alt arrangement & notations. Another quiet one! Got this cool sound a while back but lost it after I used it as a shaker on the 2nd verse of @wilco song “Sunloathe” from The Whole Love record. I finally found it again last week and was so happy that I thought I’d build a beat around it. Its kinda like a super-mini vibraslap that I strike, shake and use as a stick in this beat. The @promarksticks lightning rod worked perfectly in the RH since that instrument is so quiet. The drum part reminds me of @manukatche groove - specifically “Somewhere Down The Crazy River” with the upbeat ride bell, anticipated SD backbeat and tom hits. For the 2nd vid I hit it on the @meinlpercussion rebolo instead of my leg. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar @theoneandonlyvicsalazar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 246 of my #DrumBeatProject 9.16.24 w/alt tempos, sounds, notations & pics. Ok- got the key chimes out of my system w/this one, but included it mainly not just for those but also for the "hidden" shaker duo happening underneath. The keys elicit a nice melody w/the other limbs supporting it, but the shaker BD beater and "HH" Z-Shaker interplay is what I dig the most, especially since I`m playing as quiet as possible in order to hear the chimes. At this volume you can hear the BD shaker on the attack & rebound for a swung 16th rhythm on "+a1e+". I realized after the fact that the downbeat can be heard diff. 2 ways. 1.) as written w/cross stick on the upbeats or 2.) w/the x-stick on 2&4. Like last week I`m using an antique mallet to play the chimes - this one (pic included) is a home-made leather wrap over ? w/a small bamboo handle. Good vibes coming from that thing! Another pic of some of its pals too. I also tried this beat w/some diff. chimes - short videos of those near the end. Using Dem` sticks for that since some are fragile! Since those are all diff. materials, I also had to adjust the force of each stroke to work best w/each material = the beauty and challenge of multi-percussion. Btw, one of the chime combos is comprised of bottle cap chimes along w/several little tongs that I found in Mexico at a vintage shop & thought sounded good...Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 245 of my #DrumBeatProject 9.10.24 w/alt tempos, feels, notations & pics. This one is centered around my beautiful new @upcycledpercussion key chimes. I got a gorgeous set of rando key chimes in Brazil years ago that I`ve used on a bunch of records, so when I saw these much more portable and lighter ones, I had to grab them. It`s hard to tell from these vids, but they all have a distinct enough pitch to create a sort of collective chord progression for the beat. The RH is playing an active pattern on the kit w/a small one-of-a-kind homemade brush that I found in the Netherlands that`s perfect for this beat (pic after the vids), since the drums can`t drown out the chimes. I LOVE finding odd, homemade or obscure sticks & mallets when I travel. We drummers historically had to make our own implements until the advent of drum companies & modern manufacturing. So it`s in our collective DNA as creative types, to make things - including sticks etc. I`ve even built pieces around implements that I`ve made (see Fishing AM and my threaded spring rods - both available on my website). I have a whole collection of these antique or misfit implements at the ready for when their time comes - like it finally did for this little brush! (Tidbit: I only used antique implements on @wilco Ode To Joy record - I wanted to tap into their mojo). The BD needs to balance within the beat too, so I used a super unique rubber bass drum beater w/shaker shot in it (that pic included here too). It`s really quiet but more articulate than a bomber or puffy beater - perfect for this beat. And finally, LF is using an Upcycled rattle w/a @creative percussion HH mount that`s adding some nice rhythmic upbeats to balance the sustain of the chimes. This beat works both swung and straight, so I included versions of both as well as some tempo differentiation since the beat works within a range. Past beats at @glennkotche.com/projects check `em out! Scores for all solo pieces on my website and vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar New Saccata 4tet record out on @wejazzhelsinki #abeataweek #drumbeattheory #drumbeatimmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 244 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.22.24 w/alt mixes & notations. This one came almost immediately after loading a @officialCiboMatto sample into @Sunhouseinc Sensory Percussion and assigning it to the FT. The linear part fit nicely w/the rhythms of the sample. The video came super quick too, just a few passes with the sample at different volumes. 2nd vid has it lower and 3rd vid higher in the mix. I feel the beat phrased as 8+5+3 in 8th notes. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar @wilco #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 243 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.12.24 - w/related beat & notations. The final installments of the idea that I’ve focused on the last 2 weeks. Both beats are again re-imaginings of the original idea (flammed mill followed by an inside paradiddle between feet & hands), these are w/the addition of pitched perc. though - same progression but at different rates. I was still having fun investigating this idea and exploring both the subtleties in orchestration (& creativity in the arr.) but also, focal points of concentration. As I mentioned last week, I try switching my attention among all of the little possible nuances in a beat (like bringing out the rebolo w/a more articulate stroke, or getting a consistent ring from the shot on the timbale snare, or how the HH part can stand out like a unique clave pattern by striking on the edge w/the shoulder of the stick, or factoring in balance between the RH w/stick & LH w/glock mallet, or just on the stroke direction and aim in order to hit the right crotale in the right spot for the beat sound…). I love to hone in on all those little things individually until they become natural, then move to the next, building on each of these little details until it feels, moves and sounds “right”. *The repetition affords this kind of targeted concentration & absorption. There`s also a slower take vid of each beat. BD,SD,HH / rebolo, timbale SD / crotales = multi-percussion drumkit (my happy place). Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar @wilco #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 242 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.13.24 - w/notations. This is an expansion of last week`s beats - using RH & LH versions of the same idea - but this week I re-orchestrated & combined them into a 1 mea. beat. To reiterate, it`s basically a flammed mill followed by an inside paradiddle between feet & hands - using shaker mallet in LH. I like how the HH is used for a punctuation and the “ride” part is instead on SD (RH) and Rebolo (LF). I love experimenting with implements as you’ve seen, but also like trying different grips and even mindsets - or concentration points (a specific subdivision or voice on the kit for ex.) to see how it affects the performance/sound/feel/ & overall effect. That`s why the 2nd vid is trad grip. Remember, it`s all about being creative w/the arrangement. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 241 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.12/14.24 - w/notations. Technically 2 beats but since their stickings are inversions of each other, they`re of-a-kind and connected. It`s basically a flammed mill followed by an inside paradiddle between feet & hands. 1st vid is orchestrating that between agogos, x-stk & toms and that wild @creative_percussion can shaker w/LF. 2nd vid (LH version) on toms & rebolo w/customized marching tenor mallets & adding @upcycledpercussion to the HH . Crazy how the same sticking idea can result in very different sounding beats depending on how the orchestration or voicing of the hand pattern is interpreted. *It`s all about being creative w/the arrangement. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 240 of my #DrumBeatProject 7.29.24 - w/alt tempo vids, pics & notations. The melody first came on glock and then transferred to kalimba (w/a bit of distortion). Then came the drum part - switching from HH to “ride” (pic of that one-of-a-kind cym at the end). I enhanced the drums with @sunhouseinc Sensory Percussion Nadir presets. 1st vid is 84 bpm, 2nd 80 & 3rd 93. I think it grooves the best slower. Also a pic of the @meinlpercussion kalimba and rebolo. 1st mea. uses the stacato rhythmic hits for punctuation contrasting w/the open HH and the 2nd mea. uses the toms for punctuation contrasting w/the cym. Both go with the 4 mea. melody: A,B,A,B’ form. The most challenging aspects for me was getting the changing mvt. of my right side to be second nature while I focussed on the kalimba melody. Also trying a new combo of HH - @zildjiancompany 14 ”Classic orchestral on top & K Custom crash on bottom. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 239 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.1.24 - w/notations. Vintage Leedy SD action! I’m working on a few ideas right now, but didn’t have enough time to get those together given their difficulty. So instead, I put this new-to-me Leedy SD (maybe free-floating model?) on the kit and came up with this beat. It was generously gifted to me after being unearthed from a farmhouse basement where it sat for at least decades. I put some new heads on it (original snares though) and decided to come up with a beat that incorporated some things that would’ve been played on it back in it’s day (maybe around 100 years ago?) like the press roll and stick shot. But I also wanted to infuse some modernity like multiple stack sounds, the electro-reco and fast BD/stack stutter figures in order to create a beat that’s historically minded for this beautiful instrument`s return to the music world. It’s a hybrid beat that’s a nod to the infancy of drumkit performance when this SD was first made but that also brings it up to date on what it’s missed all those years in hiding…
The funnest aspect for me was switching fulcrum positions mid-beat. I start with a closed fulcrum in the RH for a meatier buzz roll in the 1st mea. and switch to a French grip / open fulcrum for the stutters to better articulate those. It was also fun to play around with touch - how light or hard I was hitting to see how that impacted the performance & sound. The most challenging aspect was all mental - just keeping track of when to play each of the 9 instruments in this pattern-oriented beat: that was dizzying at times! Lastly, this beat seems reversible & sounds right starting w/either mea. btw (or mid-bar even). New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 238 of my #DrumBeatProject 7.24.24 - w/alt takes & notations. Unlike last week’s beat, this one came together in minutes. It’s inspired by a beat that I recorded in 2020 and recently came across while doing some housekeeping. I was basically just messing around w/different techniques and sounds & the pivot stroke between HH and SD stick-shot on ct. 3 was a result. I added the BD double / HH / flammed stick-shot figure going into ct. 2 to set that up. It’s almost like a 4-stroke ruff that when played slightly relaxed & open, gives a little LILT for a nice, elastic feel which is a great contrast to the pushing vibe of the pivot stroke figure right after (that interesting feel shift is why I chose to include this beat). The subsequent vids are investigating sounds with snares on & off and using 3 different types of sticks - my current favs: my sig. #activewave570 of course, the finesse 718’s & @scottj_scojo light sticks - the marching sticks on kit worked best imo?! All @promarksticks btw. That`s my @sonordrumco sunburst jungle kit btw. New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor
Beat 237 of my #DrumBeatProject 7.12 & 7.14.24 - a composite beat, w/slower & faster takes & notations. This one has been a slog. It was composed on paper and adapted at the kit, but for some reason, kinda difficult for me to get super consistent w/out sounding like micro-phrases pieced together.
I did several takes of it searching for the best tempo - from 87 -111 bpm & decided the slower/groovier takes felt best. I know the meter doesn’t help with the flow aspect: 2 mea. of 7/8 and 1 mea. of 15/8, but it revealed some deficiencies in my playing that I wasn’t aware of which was frustrating, but in the end, one of the best aspects of this whole project. Instead of giving up, I practiced and got better at something I never would have invested the time in otherwise... One of the many upsides of this whole project I suppose. The trickiest part was the BD since it’s based in samba but skewed due to the meter. I’m using a homemade threaded rod (available on my website) in the LH so I can get that scrape on the @stack_ring_percussion w/contact mic & bedazzled with @creative_percussion at the end of the phrase. That’s a CP shaker mallet in my RH. I love how the Black Beauty SD sounds a bit electro with the attack from that. I don’t even like this one that much but felt I had to stick it out for personal growth… I like it most when just focussing one 1 voice at a time like HH or toms. Curious if folks dig it slower or with a little juice? Also a CP shaker beater on the BD. New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel, link for my newest piece, a Max Roach tribute, The Thunder That Smokes, in bio. Past beat vids & notations at GlennKotche.com/projects check ’em out! @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor