Beat 243 of my #DrumBeatProject 8.12.24 - w/related beat & notations. The final installments of the idea that I’ve focused on the last 2 weeks. Both beats are again re-imaginings of the original idea (flammed mill followed by an inside paradiddle between feet & hands), these are w/the addition of pitched perc. though - same progression but at different rates. I was still having fun investigating this idea and exploring both the subtleties in orchestration (& creativity in the arr.) but also, focal points of concentration. As I mentioned last week, I try switching my attention among all of the little possible nuances in a beat (like bringing out the rebolo w/a more articulate stroke, or getting a consistent ring from the shot on the timbale snare, or how the HH part can stand out like a unique clave pattern by striking on the edge w/the shoulder of the stick, or factoring in balance between the RH w/stick & LH w/glock mallet, or just on the stroke direction and aim in order to hit the right crotale in the right spot for the beat sound…). I love to hone in on all those little things individually until they become natural, then move to the next, building on each of these little details until it feels, moves and sounds “right”. *The repetition affords this kind of targeted concentration & absorption. There`s also a slower take vid of each beat. BD,SD,HH / rebolo, timbale SD / crotales = multi-percussion drumkit (my happy place). Past beat vids & notations at check ’em out! New Saccata Quartet LP is out on @wejazzhelsinki - & new @wilco EP too - listen! Scores for all solo pieces are on my website & vids on my youtube channel. @clark.hubbard @ashwin_deepankar @wilco #ABeatAWeek #DrumBeatTheory #DrumBeatImmersion #loveyourneighbor